Saturday, November 15, 2008

PhotoHunt: Ruin

The PhotoHunt theme this week is "Ruin(ed)"

We spent several days in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, last February. I think this is probably the first picture I took on our first morning there. I just loved the lines and textures of this old "ruined" tree.

Please click on the image for the full effect. Happy Saturday, y'all!


Anonymous said...

You are correct about textures - nice choice.

Anonymous said...

I love the textures too! Great photo:) And thanks for the drop by!

Claudia said...

Wow...the close-up enlarged version is amazing!

Anonymous said...

agree. you are right to point out how well the lines and textures are exhibited on the ruined tree... :-)

Petrus said...

A decaying tree stump is a good choice for a ruin.

Nice picture ..

bonggamom said...

Wow, you're right, the blown up image is great!

PastormacsAnn said...

Wonderful. Amazing how something "ruined" can be so interesting and beautiful.

Jane of JaneZworld said...

interesting how nature can b harsh and beautiful all at the same time.
A great image.

feel free to visit me

Anonymous said...

I looked at the original size and you have a great capture of the texture. :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

How I love the textures of trees, especially the bark on trunks! This is a wonderful shot!

Jientje said...

It looks even better if you enlarge it!
I always thought a ruined tree was sad, and it is, but at least you made a beautiful picture! I love it!

Anonymous said...

I remember the good old days in my province. Nice subject. Mine is up. Happy weekend!

MaR said...

Very beautiful for ruined...

Anonymous said...

Me too! Nice take...

Hootin Anni said...

Yes, I agree with you! There is a lot of artistic value in the textures and the shadows and coloration.

Daisy said...

We used to live in Virginia, and my Mommie and Daddie always wanted to visit Colonial Williamsburg but never got a chance before we moved back to FL.

Four-eyed-missy said...

Great take on this week's theme.

Liz Hinds said...

I love old trees too.

YTSL said...

Not what I expected to see about reading the words "Colonial Williamsburg" but definitely can see why that tree caught your (photographic) eye! :)

marcia@joyismygoal said...

the idea of things being ruined that are part of nature and so beautiful is just wrong I love your shot

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Oh how I'd love to see Colonial Williamsburg!!! I hope you post more photos of it sometime.

I did Photo Hunt today, too. I hope you get a chance to visit and leave your link!

Have a great weekend!

Patsy said...

What a wonderful picture. I'm sure you enjoyed the day.
Have a good week-end.

Butchay said...

that is one lovely tree right there...and the place looks ruined ..yes

thanks for dropping by :)

earthlingorgeous said...

I agree such nice ruined tree photo you took!

Thanks for dropping by my blog! Happy weekend!

Amanda said...

very nice photo, I love old trees.

Have a great weekend!

IdaR said...

that is an awesome picture! Have a great weekend. Come by and see me some times! see my ruined phote

Rambling Woods said...

Now that is clever for the theme. I was having some trouble with it. I kept thinking of some 'fallen woman" or my "401 K" as being ruined.. LOL

New site of Rambling Woods

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful old "ruin". I love the way old trees and logs gradually fade back into nothing. Some of the shapes are fascinating.

Anonymous said...

wow! the blown up image was amazing! rich in details and textures! great entry flamingo fotos!

Anonymous said...

Nice take! What a giant tree!

Heart of Rachel said...

It's a nice shot of the fallen tree. Great details.

Dragonstar said...

That photo is wonderful full-size - I love it!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...


Shawie said...

i agree and who knows that tree is more than a hundred years old:)

Marites said...

this must be a very old tree.

Anonymous said...

very interesting photo. looks like its been there forever.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I love the look of old wood too. Thanks for visiting mine and have a great week!

ipanema said...

it must have been a big tree huh? it looks beautiful though.

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