Sunday, November 30, 2008

Another Way To Give Thanks

I didn't take this picture, in case you're wondering. Although, if I had, it would have made a nice PhotoHunt "Metal" post, eh? :-)

If you read my other blog, Flamingo Musings, you already know that I periodically send care packages to members of our military serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not because I support the war, but because I support these women and men who volunteered to serve their country. There is a difference. Whatever you believe about the reasons they're there, the fact is, that's where their country sent them.

Anyway, this photo was sent to me by one such serviceman recently, so I could see the faces of the people whose spirits were lifted by that box containing soap, shaving cream, lip balm, cookies and Slim Jims. There are a lot of things they don't get or get enough of out there. I could go on. And probably will, at a later date.

One of the most important things to them, though, is knowing that their families are okay. But that's not always the case - many of these men and women are on their second and third rotations over there, and their families are struggling.

At least for the Holidays, we can help there, too. Sears has a program called Sears Heroes at Home Wish Registry, that benefits military families who need help. Clicking on this link will take you to the Sears Heroes at Home Wish Registry website, where you can donate online, in any amount you choose. Sears will take the total amount of the donations and divide the money equally between all of the registered military families, giving them gift cards so they can buy the things they need. Do you know what the Number One requested item is? Kids' shoes.

While you're there, read about some of the 30,583 military families who are registered with the program, in their own words, and post your own message of support. Read more about it at Sears Heroes at Home Wish Registry.

This may be a sponsored post, but the few bucks they pay me will be donated right back to this program. Just so you know.



Anonymous said...

I don't support the war, too much of a dove, but my son-in-law to be served in Iraq. He came home, many of his buddies did not. It is hard for those who come home because of the guilt for those who didn't and for all the terrible garbage they saw while there. makes me so damned angry...

Daisy said...

Sending a care package is a very wonderful idea! It must have touched your heart to see the photo they sent you in return.

ps: It makes me smile real big to imagine my "hard look" photo on your computer!

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