Tough theme, this week. I started thinking about what I've been doing for "entertainment" lately, and it came to me. Do you remember one of last month's topics, "Creamy"? Well, this is how it turned out:

Over the last month, I've been working on low(er) fat, low(er) sugar cheesecakes, suitable to serve my husband, who was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, back at the end of March.

First, I'm delighted to tell you that, as of this writing, MJ has lost 50 pounds, his blood sugar has dropped below the magic "diabetes" line, and the doctor has cut his medication in half. He'll test again in another 3 months, and we're keeping our fingers crossed that the improvement continues.
Some of you asked for the recipe for the cheesecake when I got it to where I want it, because either you or loved ones have the same issue, or you'd just like to eat a little healthier without sacrificing foods you love. I've published these recipes on my other blog, Flamingo Musings, with notes, tips, and tricks. The recipe for the plain Guilt-Free Cheesecake is here. My post on the Guilt-Free Chocolate Marble Cheesecake is here.
That's the other thing - the Chocolate Marble Cheesecake was chosen to be featured on Cheesecake-Recipes.org! You can find the complete recipe by clicking that green badge.
And that, boys and girls, is what I've been doing for "entertainment"!