Like all cowbirds, the Bronzed Cowbird is a parasitic nester. That is, they don't build their own nests or raise their own young, they find an active nest belonging to another usually native species, such as the blackbirds, and lay their eggs alongside the hosts'. If they don't recognize the cowbird eggs, the host birds will hatch them and raise the young as their own. This can be a huge problem, because the cowbird eggs will frequently hatch first and/or their young tend to be larger than those of the hosts, and outcompete them for food, and ultimately, survival. Some states have active programs to shoot female cowbirds in an effort to keep down their populations and give the native species a chance.
I spotted this guy during the Backyard Bird Count last month. Significant, because the Bronzed Cowbirds are just now making an appearance in South Florida.

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I love learning about all these different birds because many of them probably live in my own backyard and I don't even know it!
I was so excited with I saw my first female red-wing thinking it was a new bird...NOT...I hate to see our song sparrows feeding a cowbird ....
I finally got here - don't ask!
This one seems somewhat like a cuckoo. Borrowing nests and upbringing from other birds. Nice photos.
I identified one on a recent trip to Naples, Florida. It was on the ground with a flock of brown-headed cowbirds in Eagles Lake Community Park. I was about 5 feet from it, so could clearly see its red eyes with my binoculars.
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