PhotoHunt theme this week is
"Plastic"As I'm sure you'll see in the various Hunt posts,
Plastic surrounds us - is part of us - every day and in every way.
Plastic bags,
plastic kitchen tools,
plastic surgical replacement parts for our bodies, even our cars are generally made more of
plastic than of metal, these days.
I could show you my
Plastic birdbaths or
Plastic bird feeder. Dull.
So instead, here is a photo of the
Plastic that I'm betting most of us have in common. Probably one of the most utilized bits of
Plastic in the world. A useful tool and the bane of many's existence; a source of hope and of dread, all at the same time:

Happy weekend, all!
And for those of us in the US, have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend! Please take a moment to remember those who put their bodies in harm's way for us. As I have said so many times in the past, while I'm not so wild about this war, I am
for those brave men and women who go where ever and whenever with their own best intentions to serve us. If you have a moment this weekend, please send a birthday card to one such soul who at this moment is feeling unloved and forgotten in Texas. Here is the link to my post at
Flamingo Musings on the subject (you may have received an e-mail to the same effect from elsewhere). It is absolutely
true and has been verified.